Holistic health is a journey. Here’s mine…
About The Holistic REALTOR
The Holistic REALTOR is a resource for current or future residents of Middle Tennessee to explore and implement a Holistic lifestyle within your physical home, within your community, and for the benefit of your family.
Meet Heather
Healthy living has always been of significant importance to me, but shortly after my daughter was born, 9 years ago, I remember reading an article depicting how our precious food sources are being controlled and contaminated by entities that have no true regard for our health and the detrimental effects that these practices are having on America in particular, especially in the rise of chronic illness.
What’s your healthiest habit?
My healthiest habit is ensuring my family eats a healthy, organic diet.
The truth is, most of the time the ill effects don’t surface until years down the road, so very little do people relate their health or symptoms to toxic food, toxic body care and toxic environments. I began to study and research this more and my eyes were opened to a whole new world. My goal became to focus on preventive health as much as possible. I started small, first paying close attention to food labels. Ingredients, sugar content and sourcing grew high on my radar. I filled my cart with organic and non-GMO foods, sourced locally when possible. What was really baffling to me was the many impure baby food choices available on the market but my newfound knowledge to discern the yucky ingredients from the good helped me make better choices for my children.
I was fortunate enough to have a pediatrician introduce me to the Environmental Working Group website, www.ewg.org. The EWG empowers consumers to live healthier lives in a healthier environment and offers various guides for choosing personal care products - download yours here https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ - as well as various databases with easy-to-follow rating systems to help guide you in your quest for safer products.
What’s your favorite past-time?
I love spending time with my family and friends and recently started my own garden with my children.
Fast forward several years and I made a bleak discovery that our living environment matters just as much as the food we put in our mouths and the products we slather on our skin. Through my own experiences involving defective new construction homes and through representation of many clients encountering the same, I began to understand just how much air quality is often misunderstood and is a critical missing piece to the vibrant health puzzle. The advent of new building materials and construction methods have changed the building industry dramatically. A once very labor-intensive process has been exchanged for more labor efficient products with the ultimate goal of combining comfort with high energy efficiency. Today’s homes are much more air-tight and highly insulated, but unfortunately, in terms of resistance to moisture damage this higher performance often comes with a price. Homeowners find themselves trading one problem for another - as the process of achieving less air leakage and comfortable levels of temperature and humidity become less forgiving of shortfalls of design and construction. And please, don’t rely on building codes to completely protect you. That’s a whole other story.
Being a witness to defective, or, not-so-well-thought-out construction practices (ask me about the Energy Recovery Ventilator I just installed in my own home - you can learn more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOSelUK6dpQ) and having experienced firsthand how poor indoor air quality can affect health and turning to functional medicine for healing (learn more about that here https://sanctuaryfunctionalmedicine.com/topics/tag/mold-toxicity/), have led me to become a fierce advocate for my family and my clients. It’s really an evolving world and you have to find the best team of professionals to help you navigate it. My ultimate goal is to connect you to the education and resources for a healthy, holistic home and life and to be a go-to resource for all things holistic in Middle Tennessee!
What do you hope to accomplish in your mission as a REALTOR?
Educating clients so they can make informed decisions.
Many of my clients have been previously affected by some type of environmental toxin, so they are looking to partner withsomeone who is going to understand thier situation and offer solutions and help them navigate a healthy home purchase. I spend an immense amount of time researching leading inustry professionals in the areas of healthy home building and management so that I’m able to offer these resources to clients. Being the source of the source is my end goal. I find that when my clients are educated and fully informed, they are able to make better decisions.
Do you partner with clients in other states?
I have a network of holistically minded agents throughout the country.
I have a vast network of agents all throughout the United States and am adding agents to that network every day. Please message me if you are in need of an agent in another state and I’ll check my database to see if I have a match in your city.